Juicing for the health of it: “JUICETRITION”
Posted by Sean Herbert on 3/22/2013 to
Benefits of Wheatgrass
Juicing for the health of it
So you’ve seen all the late night infomercials and listened to your friends as they bragged about how GREAT THEY FEEL and how much WEIGHT THEY’VE LOST and HOW THEY ARE LOOKING YOUNGER BY THE DAY! SO NOW YOU WANT TO GET JUICED!
Your first instinct is to immediately dust off your old Margarita blender and throw in a couple of apples, strawberries, and bananas and crank out a nice fruit cocktail, but you forgot the rum! Wait, aren’t you doing this to improve your health?
Research Juicing First
Well, maybe it’s time to do a little research… What is the best Juicer for Health? “CHEW YOUR FOOD!” Your Mom was right! Your Teeth and the act of chewing is the best juicer for health. The act of chewing or masticating your food combined with the pre-digestion that takes place in your mouth creates the perfect digestible solution for your body to absorb for fuel.
The Best Juicers for Masticating
So what kind of Juicer should you have? May I suggest a MASTICATING juicer. A single auger I think is best to get started. A model like an Omega 8000 series is a great way to start Juicing. The main reason I suggest these juicers are they are EASY TO USE AND CLEAN. If they are easy to use and clean you will Juice more! More Juice = More LIFE.
Juicing for Beginners
For beginners who want to test the hobby of juicing, I suggest the Manual Lexen Healthy Juicer. This is an inexpensive way to buy a juicer and see if JUICING IS FOR YOU. The only drawback is you have to do the work! A few months later if you think Juicing is your passion, you can explore the higher end juicers like the Angel or Norwalk.
What should I juice?
A wise man once broke down nutrition in its simplest form by asking; “Where does life come from?” (The Sun). “Where does the Sun store it’s energy on Earth?” The answer is in something green and leafy…EAT THE PLANTS.
According to many recent medical studies, LACK OF OXYGEN TO THE CELLS may be the leading cause if not the only cause of Disease. What takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen? Plants. Chlorophyll, or blood of the plant, is one atom of magnesium different than hemoglobin in human blood. Hemoglobin is responsible for delivering and feeding oxygen to the cells. The largest and strongest animals get their protein from plants to feed their strong bones and muscles.
So what should we juice? Something GREEN and LEAFY! Now let’s dig in the garden of knowledge a little deeper. What green and leafy plants have the most stored energy from the sun and provide the cells with the most oxygen? The answer is SPROUTS…The most nutritious food on the planet!
But I don’t have time to juice
May I suggest Wheatgrass - The largest source of oxygen- giving chlorophyll in the plant kingdom. The best bang for your time and money.
Simply juice 2 ounces of wheatgrass, drink from your formerly rum-stained shot glass and enjoy the comparable benefits of eating 5 lbs of organic vegetables in one shot. You can’t make it any simpler than that!
Wheatgrass is a natural detoxifier and blood cleanser. It oxygenates and purifies your blood-boosting your immune system and allowing the body to heal and recover faster. A week of juicing wheatgrass and your friends will be jealous of you! But don’t stop there… Broccoli sprouts contain cancer-fighting Sulforophanes, Sunflower sprouts activate every cell in the immune system, building muscle, bone and the neurological system. Pea sprouts are a complete protein and have been attributed to eliminating plaque on arterial walls. The benefits of juicing sprouts are endless.
So now you know what and how to juice.
The next step is to stop by our store at “Got Sprouts?” 1880 West 10th St, Riviera Beach to pick up your Juicer, Sprouts, and Recipes… And don’t forget to brag to your friends!
By Sean Herbert Owner “GOT SPROUTS?” Your local Juicetritionist 1880 West 10th St Riviera Beach, FL 33404 (561)689-9464 www.GOTSPROUTS.com